Wednesday, March 5, 2014

33 Weeks

How far along? 33 weeks
Baby is the size of a: Durian Fruit (what?? This app I have is so strange).
Total weight gain: around 20 pounds so far...
Maternity clothes? Omg yes, though I wore a non materninty dress the other day but it looked more like a long shirt with leggings underneath ;)
Stretch marks? Not that I've seen so far. Fingers crossed!
Sleep: Yes please! Sleep is hit or miss for me these days. Usually after a night of work I sleep great... On my nights off, not so much. I'm up to use the restroom like every 2-3 hours, my hips are achy, and baby girl is pushing up on my lungs so it's harder and harder to breath!
Exercise: I walk to the mailbox sometimes. Does that count? Oh and up and down the stairs at work (usually... I've been taking the elevator sometimes too). I did get my exercise ball all blown up and ready to use more often though so there's that.
Miss Anything: Now this is a loaded question! I guess the obvious would be wine... And being able to put my shoes on!
Movement: I'm still feeling her move a lot but it's different - it's bigger movements instead of just little kicks and flutters. She's just running outta room in there!
Food cravings: Nothing too specific... But my sweet tooth is pretty out of control lately :) cookies and cake and muffins are always on my mind haha.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Jeremy and I both unfortunately got really bad colds this last week... They both only lasted a few nights and we both were lucky enough to have or get the nights off from work. Mine has stuck around in the form of wheezy-ness and a cough but I think that it's partially having to do with baby girl taking up so much space and pressing on my lungs! 
Labor Signs: Not yet! Maybe feeling some practice contractions (Braxton hicks).
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! But I do get a bit whiney at times just because I'm uncomfortable but I try to keep that to myself (or just complain to Jeremy!).
Looking forward to: Meeting baby girl! But before that seeing all my family and friends at the various baby showers I have coming up- I'm feeling so blessed already by all of the love and support!

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