Second week of clinicals started today, still long term care, but today I got to care for a patient who needs blood glucose checks before meals so I got to do that a couple times, and then give insulin injections twice as well! It was actually a lot easier then I expected, but the needle wasn't too big or anything :) It just slid into the skin nice and easy, no .... haha thats about all the description I can give without freaking people out (like Jeremy!) so I'll stop. Today I also got to pass meds, which was pretty cool as well. My patient was on quite a few (24) so it took a few minutes! It helped me start to realize more what the role of a nurse is versus a nursing assistant in the long term care setting.
Enough about me for now -- I keep trying to get Jeremy to blog, he's not quite convinced yet though, so I'll do it for him... He is starting a new job tonight, well, today he is observing the group of students he will be teaching starting next week (I think thats when). I think the job sounds perfect for him, its an anatomy/physiology class for personal trainers going to this tech-school type college for their Personal Fitness Trainer Diploma. So basically he teaches basic level anatomy and also a "lab" where he gets to teach them about how to personal train! We'll see how it goes - maybe in a week or two he'll be typing here and telling us all how it went :)