Today I had 10 hours of clinical at the hospital. My last day of OB rotation, sadly, nothing too exciting. I did get to see a C/S from pretty close up. Not the same room, but right nearby in the "scrub room"... you know, where the doctors scrub in before surgery? Yeah, pretty much just like on Grey's Anatomy, they sit and chat while cleaning their hands to the elbow! We had to put on the sterile scrubs and hat and masks (see picture!),

I also got to give a couple flu shots to new moms, and a couple baby vaccines to a newborn. Such tiny little legs, and of course she cried (normal, but sad!). Other then that, we did a lot of standing and sitting around talking to our instructor... tomorrow is the official last day of OB rotation, we end with a simulation of pre. eclampsia (google it if you don't know!) and next week I move into "School Health" rotation... From what I have heard from other students, sounds not exciting at all. Lots of filling out paperwork and checking kids ears. We'll see.