specimen collection

ready, GO! pretty much. Today was better, but COLDER. The news before class said it was -15 outside, and then factor in the wind-chill and it feels like -30. NEGATIVE THIRTY. This is definitely the coldest weather I have ever been in! Ah well, they say we are in for some warm weather this weekend... a warm 40 degrees! It seems like everywhere is cold lately though... except maybe not Hawaii... Hawaii sounds nice!
Anyways, after a few weeks of class we start clinical again. I am happy to say I have my med-surg rotation first. I get to watch a full surgery in February which should be exciting! I don't find out what type of surgery until I show up that day, but hopefully its an interesting one :) After 4 weeks of med-surg I have my psych rotation, and then pediatrics. Going to be a fun semester for clinicals thats for sure! I'll keep you all posted don't worry :)