I am so excited that I am almost finished with nursing school, even more excited to start my preceptorship in Portland! I think that I am going to learn more in that 6 weeks then I have pretty much the whole year :) Just have to get thru the next 4 weeks here in Omaha. The first test of the semester was today, and it was MUCH harder then any other test this year. I guess they figure since we're so close to graduating they better challenge us, ugh! Anyways, it went fine and now I know what the next three tests are going to be like.
So clinical has been okay the last 2 weeks -
the first was a little boring since I only had one patient the first day (boring, slow, day dragged on) and then the second day I had two, but both were a few days post-operative and did not need a lot of care. Last week was different! I had two patients the first day and three the second = busy! One was a severely disabled man who required a lot of care, he had a G-Tube and J-Tube, which I have worked with before but it was good practice to do again. I had to give all his meds through the tube (A LOT OF MEDS), as well as monitor his constant tube feedings - overall, he kept me the busiest. I also got to work with a T-Tube on another patient, which was my first experience, but very similar to the other tubes. My other new experiences for the year were taking out a couple foley catheters and taking a rectal temperature. Oh yes, rectal temperature. Fun right? Haha, not really, but another skill to check off the list!
Non-school related, Saturday Jeremy and I woke up early and went to a small farmers market -- we only had 5$ cash, so had to spend wisely :) we picked out a bundle of fresh basil and a package of NE grown tomatoes. We then spent the rest of the day at our apartments pool... it was a gorgeous day, about 85-90 degrees, with some wind to keep us cool. We went out to dinner at our favorite Thai place that night, and just relaxed with a movie. Sunday, after sleeping in, I woke up to the wonderful smell of bacon cooking and coffee brewing! Jeremy made us an amazing breakfast: bacon, mozzarella, basil & tomatoes all on a ciabatta bun! I wish I had taken a picture of his masterpiece, but I have to admit I was too excited to taste it I couldn't bother with my camera! Maybe next time!

Happy JUNE!
"If a June night could talk,
it would probably boast that it invented romance"
~Bern Williams~