- wine tasting/free cheese samples
- waking up to warm sunshine
- dill pickle sunflower seeds
- salt and ground pepper kettle chips
- canoeing (but only when we take rest breaks, my shoulders get tired!)
- bacon, eggs, and french press coffee by the morning campfire *Jeremy's favorite
- laying on the ground, looking up at the star filled sky
- being in a cell phone dead zone
- billions of gnats
- tons of bees (seriously, they were everywhere)
- waking up with no air left in our mattress on hard ground
- the out-house running out of toilet paper
- deflating the floaties (takes foooorever!)
"The fire is the main comfort of the camp,
whether in summer or winter,
and is about as ample at one season as at another.
It is as well for cheerfulness
as for warmth and dryness."
~Henry David Thoreau