Last week Jeremy and I were lucky enough to host my friends Angela and Greg while they visited Oregon. This was Greg's first time to the west coast, and Angela had not been here since she was very young so they were both very excited. I think the difference between Oregon and Nebraska was summed up when Greg said "there's so many trees here!". So true :) haha. Although Jeremy and I both had to work a lot during the week, we did get a few chances to show our friends around town - mostly drinking and eating, which is what we do best these days! Angela's family was in town as well so they kept busy doing other touristy things while Jeremy and I were at work. Here is our time with them via iPhone pics, enjoy!

Ang and I enjoying our Widmer Brothers beer... got her hooked on "Sunburn" beer!
At Happy Hour right outside Jeremy's work at OHSU near the waterfront.
Coconut martini (but I ordered a cucumber martini, got this instead, oh well, it was okay):
At Lucky Lab Brewery, dogs allowed too!
Couple days later at Basta's, on 21st street - happy hour Basil Lemon Drop Martini:
North 45 Pub on 21st street, such yummy happy hour food:
Strange items in the Voo Doo Donut case!
Ah, old town Portland.... love this sign.