Long story short, I have been working 30-50 hour weeks at Providence Hospital in NE Portland... I'm 112 hours down (out of 250)! I am on a surgical floor, which basically consists of patients who have just had or are about to have surgery of some kind (usually abdominal... so, appendix, gallbladder, stomach, intestines, you get the picture). I am learning quite a bit, but even more so starting to feel like I really could handle being on my own. I still find myself relying a lot on my nurse Elaine, but I keep trying to get away from that -- and she forces me too by disappearing into her other patients room! Despite her and other c0-workers encouragement that I am doing extremely well, I still feel like an idiot most hours of the day :) Just another perk of being a student I guess! Some nurses say the feeling continues for a few years too... great... ! Haha.
Jeremy... well, he has a short story so far: moved back to Forest Grove, looking for jobs but mostly just helping around his parents house and on their property.

So with both of us having some free time (the perks of being a nurse working 12's = multiple days off in a row) we decided to hit the Oregon coast last week. We had a blast! We drove down to Lincoln City: did some crabbing and beach bonfire (and at Mo's clam chowder of course, yum!) then the next day drove up to Seaside and took fun Old Tyme pictures on the boardwalk then took our bottle of wine we bought along the way (at a winery near Tillamook) and watched the sunset from the back of Jeremy's truck on the beach. It was cloudy but awesome. The next morning we dug up a few razor clams and drove back to Forest Grove where Jeremy cleaned them up and fried them... YUM!
*Check out a bunch of pictures from that adventure on my shutterfly site!
This weekend is going to be another fun one -- I have 4 days off (and so does Jeremy!) and the weather looks like it is going to be awesome.... But I can't believe I'm turning 25, so we'll see how that goes ;)
"and its 2 bare feet on the dashboard
young love in an old Ford...
perfect song on the radio
sing along cuz it's one we know
it's a smile, it's a kiss,
it's a sip of wine, its SUMMERTIME"
~Kenny Chesney~