Sunday, December 14, 2008

Baby its COLD Outside!

Well we woke up to a tiny bit of snow today.... and a lot of wind and VERY cold temperatures! The computer said it was about 10 degrees but -6 with the wind chill. Yes, NEGATIVE six! When we left the apartment to go to Starbucks it definitely felt really really cold! Probably the coldest weather I've ever felt... or at least comparable to being at the top of the mountain in Whistler, Canada! We were literally running to and from the car :) I'm not too excited to see how bad it gets in January and February, which we have been told is the worst months! Speaking of cold weather... heard it snowed in WA and OR today... figures! We move to the midwest, but it snows out west first?! Thats okay with me, although I do enjoy the snow and think its beautiful, I do prefer it stay in the mountains!

Back to studying for me, finals on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday... and then the first semester of nursing school is OVER! I am so so so excited for break and being back home with my family... I haven't been back to Seattle since we moved here in April! I am also excited to get this school year over with... only like 242 days left, but who's counting!

Hope everyone is staying warm,
See most of you soon!

((the picture of the awful temperature is from my car after leaving my work christmas party... we went bowling and then out to dinner, thanks Equitable Bank!))