Well, here it is, the first blog about our upcoming wedding! Yes I will almost for sure be creating a separate wedding website hosted by The Knot or some other free site - but I figure I can do my little by little updating on here :) Maybe no one cares, but at least then I can look back and see the timeline and how things progressed for myself.
Dates to know so far:
Engagement = Christmas Day, December 25
Dress bought = January 8th; Mom, Laurie, Oriana and Milena present.
Yup, I already have my dress! No we have not picked a date or venue, shoot we have not even picked a season yet. We are leaning towards just doing it this summer, possibly early July, so that we can have Jeremy's little brother Matthew in attendance for sure (he is graduating from the USMA in June and we don't know where he will be stationed and when he will be available after July). So back to the dress :) I tried on 2 dresses, LOVED the first one, but then put on number 3 and realized that was it. Just to see I tried on another one kinda similar to #3 but no go... After putting it back on and dressing it up a bit with earrings, a veil, a sash and some "bling" I knew it was the one - mom cried so I guess she knew it was too! It is beautiful, and I can't wait for Jeremy to see me walk down the aisle in it. <3
Stay tuned, more to come....