Friday, February 28, 2014

32 Weeks

2 months//8 weeks to go... Wow! The mix of emotions I'm feeling about this is pretty crazy. Overall I'm very excited though because honestly, I am getting quite large and uncomfortable! My sciatic pain has been almost non-existent lately so that has been great, but my belly is growing and stretching so much it gets achy - and probably because baby girl is moving around SO much. Here are a couple belly pics for this week....



I posted that second picture not so you could see my messy slippers on, but because do Cutter. He seriously is at my side ALL the time now! I had previously been saying that I didn't think he knew anything was up but the past week or so he has been much more protective! If I'm in the shower he is laying on the bathmat, if I'm on the computer he's on my feet, eating dinner at the table - he's underneath on top of my feet there too! Yes this all sounds like normal dog behavior, but Cutter is usually always at Jeremy's side so that's where things have changed! Kinda cute, kinda annoying ;)



My protector at the bathroom door as I got ready for work the other night.


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