Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Settling In...

Well, we have moved out of the apartment officially! Yesterday was spent cleaning and moving the final things out of the apt. It is always so annoying but totally worth it this time since hopefully we won't be moving again anytime soon :)

With Jeremy's parents help, we have finished painting the master bedroom (a greenish blue grey color) as well as the main hallway (light brown color). We still have to finish the main living room and kitchen and front door area.  It is hard work, but the finished products look so good!

See, I helped paint! 

Paining the master bedroom... 

Jeremy working hard. I mean, hardly working!

Most of our stuff is still in boxes and spread out in random places, mostly the garage, but we are slowly putting things away. We have so much more space it almost makes it more difficult! I'm loving all the space in the kitchen, we unpacked some pint glasses today that we haven't seen or used in like 3 years!  Yes, we still need them!

As for wedding updates... there isn't many.  We lucked out and now have a DJ though!  My friend and co-worker is also a part time DJ and the weekend of our wedding opened up recently. I am relieved, and Jeremy (who was in charge of finding us a DJ) is off the hook!  The next decisions that need to be made soon are the cake, florist, and invitations! I'm hoping now that we are more settled in we will have some time to do wedding planning stuff. Hoping.  I emailed the wedding photographer today so we should be scheduling engagement photo shoot soon, yay! Thankfully the weather is getting slightly better because I am so not wearing a sweater or winter coat in the pictures!

Check back soon for more updates!

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