Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Happy Birthday Jeremy!

Jeremy turned 28 a few weeks ago - to celebrate we had a little get together at Buffalo Wild Wings. It was kind of last minute, so we were both really pleased with how many people showed up. It was great to see some of Jeremys good friends from Forest Grove come out our way to celebrate!  And hot wings and beer are always great too :)

The weekend before the dinner we headed out to the coast (surprise surprise right?). I had been wanting to spend a few nights in Cannon Beach since it had been quite a while since we had been there.  We ended up only staying one night, but it was awesome.  I found a really nice beach front hotel, did some research & got a really sweet deal - ok so it helped that it's winter and a Sunday night, but still, I was happy. Cutter was happy too because he got to come along, and the hotel even had a special basket of goodies waiting for him when we arrived!  

Seaside was our first stop, we browsed a few shops and walked around for a while - Cutter at one point deciding he really had to poop, and proceeded to do so RIGHT ON THE SIDEWALK.  After that we figured it was time to move on to our final destination!

The hotel in Cannon Beach was up on a hill, and right as we drove up I knew it was a good decision. Like I mentioned before they had a gift basket of dog stuff for us right when we got there, which of course I thought was very cool.  When we walked into our room the first thing you noticed was Haystack Rock righhhhhht there. The room had a big window and sliding glass door to a balcony and seriously directly in front of us was the giant Haystack Rock.  Our timing was great, sunset was just starting. If you know me you know I'm a little obsessed with sunsets - I immediately dropped my stuff and went to deck to enjoy it. We opened a beer to share and just relaxed while the sun set next to Haystack.  I did take a few pictures, but I wanted to just enjoy the beauty too so tried not to focus on that. We later went out to dinner and then came back to play some board games and shared some yummy champagne. Oh, I forgot to mention the adorable and warm fireplace in our room - so we got to enjoy the sunset next to the fire. Perfection, no?  

The next morning Jeremy ventured out in the pouring rain to get us some coffee and muffins. The rain slowly stopped and we went down to the beach (Cutter was dying to get out there!) and let the kid play... he mostly just ran after birds and dug holes, but it's always fun to watch how happy he gets.

*I keep getting server errors from Blogger when I try to upload pictures so look for a pictures only post later...

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