Thursday, January 15, 2009

Back to School, Back to School

Ah well, its back to school time for me. No more staying up late watching episode after episode of HOUSE with Jeremy then sleeping till 11am... which was quite relaxing while it lasted!  Yesterday was the first day back, of course they started us at 0730 and of course it was freeeezing cold and of course they handed us a plethora of papers and due dates and exam dates and generally just tried to explain nicely that this semester is going to suck. Other then that, it went ok... Lots of lecture and some videos on how to to tracheostomy care,
specimen collection and IV insertion

ready, GO! pretty much.  Today was better, but COLDER. The news before class said it was -15 outside, and then factor in the wind-chill and it feels like -30. NEGATIVE THIRTY. This is definitely the coldest weather I have ever been in!  Ah well, they say we are in for some warm weather this weekend... a warm 40 degrees!  It seems like everywhere is cold lately though... except maybe not Hawaii... Hawaii sounds nice!

Anyways, after a few weeks of class we start clinical again. I am happy to say I have my med-surg rotation first.  I get to watch a full surgery in February which should be exciting!  I don't find out what type of surgery until I show up that day, but hopefully its an interesting one :)  After 4 weeks of med-surg I have my psych rotation, and then pediatrics.  Going to be a fun semester for clinicals thats for sure!    I'll keep you all posted don't worry :)

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