Monday, August 10, 2009


Well here we are already, its just about the middle of August so that means I am just about to GRADUATE from nursing school! I finished my senior preceptorship on Saturday the 8th, and to my surprise they informed me that the nurse manager had opened a position for me - so it looks like I have my first job all lined up as well! It is a surgical floor, meaning that I care for people about to have surgery, just back from surgery, or re-admitted for complications related to surgery! Its a mixed bag of people and diagnoses.

I can not believe how this fell into place, I had been very worried that I would not find a job (since all my online applications had not been responded too, and recruiters I tried to reach had also not responded). I do not have details on the job, but I am just excited to have something to look forward too after graduation and taking the NCLEX (nursing boards).

Jeremy is still working on becoming employed - he currently has two strong leads, so we will keep you posted. Keep your fingers crossed for him as well :)

"Nurses dispense comfort,
and caring
without even
a prescription"
~Val Saintsbury

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