Sunday, August 30, 2009

Oregon Zoo

On Friday, Jeremy and I went to the Oregon Zoo - which is right near downtown Portland. It was a very crowded day, with lots of kids running around (typical) but also there was a lot of construction going on at the zoo and a few things were closed... Needless to say, we still had a lot of fun and I took a lot of pictures!

Here are a couple:

Friday, August 28, 2009

Camping at Lost Lake

Jeremy and I just returned from a quick camping trip out to Lost Lake, which is about an hour or two past Hood River, Oregon. It was absolutely gorgeous out there. The weather ended up being just about perfect as well! I decided to make a quick list of things I liked and disliked during the trip, just an easier way to blog instead of writing out a big long story :)

  • wine tasting/free cheese samples
  • waking up to warm sunshine
  • dill pickle sunflower seeds
  • salt and ground pepper kettle chips
  • canoeing (but only when we take rest breaks, my shoulders get tired!)
  • bacon, eggs, and french press coffee by the morning campfire *Jeremy's favorite
  • laying on the ground, looking up at the star filled sky
  • being in a cell phone dead zone
  • billions of gnats
  • tons of bees (seriously, they were everywhere)
  • waking up with no air left in our mattress on hard ground
  • the out-house running out of toilet paper
  • deflating the floaties (takes foooorever!)

"The fire is the main comfort of the camp,
whether in summer or winter,
and is about as ample at one season as at another.
It is as well for cheerfulness
as for warmth and dryness."
~Henry David Thoreau

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Why I'm Not Blogging As Much (besides that i was getting in 250 hours at the hospital in 5.5 weeks)

On my days off Jeremy and I take full advantage of this amazing summer weather Oregon has been having! We pack the cooler full of beer, throw on our swimsuits, make sure the floatie toys are in the truck and we head off for the closest river or lake! Here are a few pictures:

"all you really need this time of year
is a pair of shades and ice cold beer
and a place to sit somewhere
near water"
~Brad Paisley

Monday, August 10, 2009


Well here we are already, its just about the middle of August so that means I am just about to GRADUATE from nursing school! I finished my senior preceptorship on Saturday the 8th, and to my surprise they informed me that the nurse manager had opened a position for me - so it looks like I have my first job all lined up as well! It is a surgical floor, meaning that I care for people about to have surgery, just back from surgery, or re-admitted for complications related to surgery! Its a mixed bag of people and diagnoses.

I can not believe how this fell into place, I had been very worried that I would not find a job (since all my online applications had not been responded too, and recruiters I tried to reach had also not responded). I do not have details on the job, but I am just excited to have something to look forward too after graduation and taking the NCLEX (nursing boards).

Jeremy is still working on becoming employed - he currently has two strong leads, so we will keep you posted. Keep your fingers crossed for him as well :)

"Nurses dispense comfort,
and caring
without even
a prescription"
~Val Saintsbury