Monday, January 5, 2009

Back to Real Life... Sorta

Well we made it safely back to Omaha on Saturday... the trip was relatively uneventful, but we did have to almost run to our connecting flight in Denver and so we never had time to eat and apparently our suitcases didn't have time to get on our plane SO we landed in Omaha with no luggage. The airline delivered it Sunday afternoon, we had barely woken up so it was perfect timing! I didn't want to start laundry before then anyways :)

Today brought real life back to Jeremy, back to work this morning. I however have another few days off, I start school at 7:30am next Weds. So nice of our teachers to start us nice and early the first day back isn't it?! Oh well... only one long semester to go, and then a short summer session and I'm done!

I hope everyone had a wonderful New Years and wish you the best in 2009!
I will be adding all the pictures from our trip to Shutterfly hopefully today (some are already up) so check those out when you get a chance.

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