Monday, May 26, 2008

Quick Update!

Its been a few weeks, but its been a busy few weeks for me! I'm now working two jobs which keeps me quite busy ... my free time is spent hanging out with Jeremy, running errands and trying to continue to get to know Omaha. Oh, and trying to get tan at our apartment pool is a new activity I'm always trying to squeeze in :) Its been sunny and warm lately... just a preview of what is to come I'm sure! We had quite the thunderstorm Sunday night - I was at work - Jeremy sat on the porch and watched the rolling clouds of all different colors and constant slash of lightening.... luckily it was all over in about an hour! Tornados hit nearby Iowa though - scary! Well - we are off to the "world famous" Henry Doorly Zoo in downtown Omaha :) Pictures to follow!

1 comment:

e.m.szuplat said...

you two look very cute and like you are having a great time!! :) happy summa!