Friday, October 26, 2012

A Fall Themed Baby Shower

I'll start with this: I have some amazing co-workers, seriously.

We like to party on our unit, it's kind of the running joke that we're always celebrating something, which is mostly true!  But why not use every excuse to decorate with hanging paper balls or big signs, or whatever.  Also, there's never a wrong time for a yummy potluck.  Anyways, the party I want to feature on here is a baby shower we recently held for our very pregnant friend, and co-worker, Abby.

Thanks to Pinterest, we had some great ideas on how to make it a "Fall (Autumn)" theme... but I could have never imagined it would turn out THIS awesome.  Here are some pictures - enjoy - and feel free to attempt to duplicate.   And no, this was not done by professionals, just my amazing co-workers (ok I helped a tiny bit, but mostly just took pictures!).

Friday, July 6, 2012

Happy 4th of July!

Jeremy enjoying a beer!
Smoke bombs! 
Megan and Jeremy
Megan and Jeremy again!
The other Meaghan and Jeremy (aka, us). 
Our GIANT fireworks ;)
Old neighbors, Megan and Jeremy! Yes, you read that right. 
whoooooo, Happy 4th of July! 

Monday, May 14, 2012


We recently decided to take the plunge and purchase something we have been talking about for the past couple of years: a travel trailer! It has already been so much fun and we've only had it a month or so. Here are a few pictures from my phone, from our adventures.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

More Chicken Pictures!

They are so stupid but fun to watch :) they love to escape and run to the neighbors yard lately....


A few months ago we randomly decided we wanted to invest in some chickens for the backyard. We did some [very brief] research and off we went to Oregon City to pick three chickens out! An older guy living on a large piece of land had about 100 chickens and needed to get rid of a few, he let us walk around and pick out the ones we wanted. We picked out 3 and promptly named them: Gloria, JWow, and Ruby!

Here they are:

Can't catch up...

It's been way too long since I blogged anything so I won't bother trying to catch up on all that's passed- I will just pick up where life is now :)