Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Planes Trains & Automobiles (part 2, the story)

Well now thats its been a few days since the whole ordeal happened, I can't tell the story quite as expressively, but here goes.

So we started out leaving Omaha on time on Sunday the 21st... we made it to Denver, early in fact. We go to our next gate, all looks well, the plane is slightly delayed about 20 minutes but thats all, so we head upstairs to get some food. While in line, I get a phone call from a 1800 number, which seems odd, so I answer it (already having a bad feeling). Of course it is United Airlines automated call telling me that our flight has been canceled and we HAVE NOT been rebooked on another flight. Ick. A few phone calls to my dad and we pretty much can do nothing but get in the customer service line with the other 5 million people who are now stuck in Denver. After about 45 minutes on the phone but NOT getting ahold of United (I was on hold) and about two hours in line... we make friends with the people in front of us, and luckily, one of them gets a hold of a United ticket agent on the phone. She is told there are seats available on the flight to San Fransisco that leaves in like 20 minutes but that is all - None to Portland or Seattle. So she takes 5 seats, hands the phone to me and I take 2 more. We literally RUN to the gate and are the last two groups of people getting on. Okay, great, now we're in San Fran... Basically all there is to do is get on the standby lists for all outgoing planes to both Seattle and Portland and hope those flights don't get cancelled so that the standby list doesn't get any bigger then it already is! Nightmare is the only way to sum that experience up. We started at number 50 out of 150 for all the flights going to Portland and number 227 out of 350 to Seattle. Clearly PDX was the better chance! We didn't get on the two flights left that night, so curled up behind some gate and attempted to sleep for a few hours before the next flights to Portland left at like 7am... Many many many hours later, we got on a tiny plane out of San Fran to PDX and arrived in snowy icy Portland at like 9pm! Jeremys parents met us, and after arriving at their house we quickly fell asleep! Thats where Jeremys story ends, but mine continued to the next day where I had about 3 different train tickets booked (which got cancelled) and a couple plane tickets (which got cancelled). Thanks to my dad who was constantly on the phone finding ways to get me home.... I got a seat on a plane that was suppost to leave PDX at like 9pm.... so I went to the airport and held my breath that it didn't get cancelled. I still am thanking God that it didn't! My mom, aunt, and sister were at SeaTac to pick me up around 10pm and you can ask them, I was beyond exhausted and happy to see them!

Pretty fun sounding right?
Not really, but we made it home safe and in time to celebrate Christmas with our families.
I hope everyone else did as well :)

Me being held up by my wonderful Westbrook cousins!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


... That pretty much sum up Jeremy and I getting to the west coast, but more details to come later :) Time to finally celebrate and feel like its Christmas time- I love being home with my family, eating tons of food, wrapping presents, going to church, and more! I hope everyone is safe and enjoying the snow with their friends and family. Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Well the title pretty much sums it up, but I finished my 3rd final today and am officially done with the first semester of nursing school at Creighton University. SO excited. Tonight about 30 of us girls are going on a rented "party bus" to a few bars around here - a much deserved celebration we feel :)

I have heard the weather has been kinda crazy all over, today was quite nice and warm for us - a whole 12 degrees! Tomorrow they are predicting an ice storm and/or winter storm weather! I just hope everything is good for Sunday when we fly home!

(These are images from wintertime on my old college campus, Western Washington University... loved these little green men all over!)

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Baby its COLD Outside!

Well we woke up to a tiny bit of snow today.... and a lot of wind and VERY cold temperatures! The computer said it was about 10 degrees but -6 with the wind chill. Yes, NEGATIVE six! When we left the apartment to go to Starbucks it definitely felt really really cold! Probably the coldest weather I've ever felt... or at least comparable to being at the top of the mountain in Whistler, Canada! We were literally running to and from the car :) I'm not too excited to see how bad it gets in January and February, which we have been told is the worst months! Speaking of cold weather... heard it snowed in WA and OR today... figures! We move to the midwest, but it snows out west first?! Thats okay with me, although I do enjoy the snow and think its beautiful, I do prefer it stay in the mountains!

Back to studying for me, finals on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday... and then the first semester of nursing school is OVER! I am so so so excited for break and being back home with my family... I haven't been back to Seattle since we moved here in April! I am also excited to get this school year over with... only like 242 days left, but who's counting!

Hope everyone is staying warm,
See most of you soon!

((the picture of the awful temperature is from my car after leaving my work christmas party... we went bowling and then out to dinner, thanks Equitable Bank!))

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Its That Time of Year Again... ELF YOURSELF!

Yes I know I spent way too much time last year doing it, but its back again, and there are even more options! So anyways, here are a few for you to enjoy, then go make your own - you know you can't resist! :)

Send your own ElfYourself eCards

Jeremy, Matt and I - COUNTRY version!

Send your own ElfYourself eCards

and this is my lovely family! haha!