State fair, August trip to Oregon, Scrub pics, ANC Cocktail Party, etc. etc.!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Medical Humor
Maybe its the long hours in lectures, staring at computer screens, memorizing endless terminology or a little bit of everything but these clips from YouTube are funny to us nursing students. Today on our lunch hour, I was shown these two clips so I had to pass them on....!
This first one is called "Bringing Nursing Back"... the beginning is long and boring, so skip ahead about a minute.... The second is self-explanatory, and shorter.... Sorry if you think these are not funny at all :)
Bringing Nursing Back
Anesthesiologist Hymn
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
First Time

Second week of clinicals started today, still long term care, but today I got to care for a patient who needs blood glucose checks before meals so I got to do that a couple times, and then give insulin injections twice as well! It was actually a lot easier then I expected, but the needle wasn't too big or anything :) It just slid into the skin nice and easy, no .... haha thats about all the description I can give without freaking people out (like Jeremy!) so I'll stop. Today I also got to pass meds, which was pretty cool as well. My patient was on quite a few (24) so it took a few minutes! It helped me start to realize more what the role of a nurse is versus a nursing assistant in the long term care setting.
Enough about me for now -- I keep trying to get Jeremy to blog, he's not quite convinced yet though, so I'll do it for him... He is starting a new job tonight, well, today he is observing the group of students he will be teaching starting next week (I think thats when). I think the job sounds perfect for him, its an anatomy/physiology class for personal trainers going to this tech-school type college for their Personal Fitness Trainer Diploma. So basically he teaches basic level anatomy and also a "lab" where he gets to teach them about how to personal train! We'll see how it goes - maybe in a week or two he'll be typing here and telling us all how it went :)
Friday, September 19, 2008
First Days of Clinical Rotations...

Well I survived my first 2 days of clinicals! I was placed into long-term care for the first four weeks, and man will I be happy to get them over with and out of the way! Without violating HIPPA I'll keep it simple and say that the resident I was to take care of was essentially okay besides having severe dementia and impaired short and long term memory.. I did have to change a few briefs which is well, NOT very fun. Although some students got to pass meds this week, I did not, which was disappointing. Next week though! That means hopefully I will be giving insulin and or other injection based drugs... no I have not done this yet, but I'm excited/nervous to try :)
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