Thursday, December 29, 2011

Holiday Photos

I love the holidays with my family.

Cutter wearing a Christmas bow tie!

Pasta with clams being made by my aunt and uncle... so YUMMY.
Cranium with cousins.
Santa came! 
Our family does weird things for entertainment and competition.. 
Trying on our new scarfs, thanks Lisa! 
Fresh made star cookies, my moms specialty! 

Looking Towards the New Year

As January and 2012 creep closer and closer I just wanted to say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all our friends and family. We were blessed this year and were able to spend time with so many family members!

The week before Christmas my parents and Aunt Laurie came into town for the weekend - we took that opportunity to invite over Jeremy's grandpa and his wife as well as Jeremy's parents. It also just so happened that his brother Matt and his wife were in town for a wedding so they also came over! It was so much fun having everyone at our house; my first time really entertaining- it went well! We had lots of yummy snacks, the huge tree was all lit up and decorated, fire was burning in the woodstove & drinks were flowing. A giant game of Taboo even happened, with no fights! My team won of course :)

The weekend of Christmas was spent in Bellevue with my family this year. We had delicious food and a lot of laughs (as usual!). This year also marked the first time Jeremy and I visited as husband and wife- we got to stay in the guest bedroom together!! Cutter also enjoyed the trip, my dad spoiled him with bites of Christmas dinner: prime rib!

2011 was an overly incredible year for both Jeremy and I- it is hard to believe how fortunate we are. I hope 2012 is filled with just as many exciting and happy times for us and all of our family. Love to you all.