Friday, October 8, 2010

apartment life.

just a few random pics from my phone....

Date Night.

Jeremy and I finally got a chance to go out for Happy Hour a week or so ago!   He has transitioned into a full time position with set hours, but it is evening shift so makes it hard for us to ever find time to go out to dinner... especially since I don't really have set hours or shifts.  But, I love trying new food and drink downtown - there are SO many cute little places. I even have a "Happy Hour" book and I keep bugging Jeremy about trying all the places from it. The place we went last week is in the book, but had also come highly recommended by co-workers: Portland City Grill. I only took a few pictures as seen below, but this place is on the 30th floor of one of the tallest buildings downtown so has amazing views. It also has great food and drinks. I was very impressed and will hopefully be returning sooner then later :) 

The next couple of pics are just from the street downtown, we were waiting for the max to pick us up. It was a great evening, so warm during the day and stayed warm thru the evening.