Tuesday, August 26, 2008

First Day of School!

Well as most of you know, Monday was my first day of nursing school.... It went well... Despite having several minor heart attacks worrying about traffic, I made it there in only 30 mins and was plenty early enough :)  Most of the day was spent listening to different faculty members introduce themselves and tell us about different aspects of the school and program.  We had a long lunch hour which I spent wondering around campus with a group of classmates. It was a very hot and sunny day, so it was nice to be outside for a bit. 

Tomorrow our first real class/lab happens, its from 8-noon and 1-5.  We'll see how it goes!  

Time to find my stethoscope and watch with a second hand (we're doing vital signs tomorrow)

Oh and if you couldn't figure it out, the picture is of me on my first day of school, couldn't let my mom down who was sad to not see me off on this adventure - you got to watch me leave for almost all my other first days though!   

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

A Month Later

July was a fun month - it flew by though!   August has been flying by as well - I can not believe it is already the 20th... I start school in like 4 days on Monday the 25th!   I am sooo nervous, and excited at the same time.  As I have mentioned to some of you, it is already a tough program, I already took two mini quizzes online and have another two due the first week of school!   I guess thats what I get for doing a full BSN/RN program in a year :) 

So, what have we been up to lately?   Just trying to make the most of our days, most days. Sometimes its best just to be lazy and hang out by the pool, or at the apartment watching the Olympics....

*We definitely have Olympic fever!  I have stayed up almost every night until midnight watching the coverage -- my favorite being the girl gymnasts and my swimming phenom. Michael Phelps!  He was amazing!  We actually were at a bar right down the road (trying to watch the Seahawks vs. Bears preseason NFL game - which was NOT on any channels here in the midwest) when Phelps won #8.  It was great, everyone in the whole place, including the cooks who were NOT in the kitchen, was cheering the relay on... Very cool atmosphere! 

We also took a quick trip back to Forest Grove, Oregon thanks to Jeremy's parents (THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU AGAIN).  The first part of the trip we spent camping near Bend.  Despite a little bit of resistance (and a tiny tiny bit of crankiness) I managed to reach the summit of South Sister... what a hike!   Actually, more like climbing a mountain!  It was both a physical and emotional challenge.  Jeremy, his younger brother Matt, his parents, and myself, were climbing for about 9 hours - it was around 6.5 miles up.  Needless to say, I was VERY sore then next two days!   Jeremy was a little sore, his mom got a bit sunburnt, his dad broke his hiking shoes,
 and well, Matt didn't even notice we had done a hike!   Ah well, I got some good pictures so check them out on Shutterfly soon....    

After the couple days of camping, we got to spend the rest of the vacation just relaxing at the house in Forest Grove.  I finally got to meet some good friends of Jeremys that he grew up with it at a little BBQ we held at his parents. Lynn and Geoff came down from Redmond, THANK YOU AGAIN AS WELL, it was great to see you both!   Congrats on the baby bump being a girl ;)     

One disappointment was that we did not get to visit my family (and parents) who were in Boston while we were in Oregon. I was, and am, thinking of you all and miss you lots! 

Okay well, that about sums up the last month or so. I hope that everyone is well.... Here in the midwest everyone is heading back to school now - back home you all have a little while, so enjoy the rest of summer!     Lots of love!