Saturday, April 26, 2008

Creighton Campus

We took a few minutes to walk around the campus of the school I will be attending starting in August... Its finals time there so it was pretty quiet, but seems nice!  

Here are the few pictures I took (I felt dorky enough taking these so thats why there is only 3)

Pretty water fountain on campus... See the hospital behind (very small)

On campus

Where I will be spending A LOT of time (the health sciences building)

More Omaha Livin'

Rosenblatt Stadium, where the College World Series games are played!

The gas station that saved our lives - kinda :)  We almost ran out of diesel while exploring and we found this one right at the last second!

About to have dinner out on our porch...

Dinner!  (beer, burgers, cous cous and salad)