Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Happy Holidays!

Been a while since I have posted anything more then a picture or two, so I'll take a few minutes to do an update.... I started working as an RN about a month ago. I'm on the same surgical floor that I did my senior preceptorship for nursing school. The 12-13 hour days have been long and challenging but I am starting to become more confident so I am liking it more and more. I have a few more weeks with a preceptor - which means I have a few more weeks with another nurse checking in on me and my charting and helping me with anything that comes up that I'm not sure how to do or deal with. I ended up getting Christmas and New Years eve off, which is excellent! I do work the day after Christmas and New Years day night (I switch to nights after the 26th... should be interesting trying to switch my sleep schedule and stay away for 12 hours at night!). After the end of my orientation period my schedule will be both days and nights, no set schedule as of yet, but hopefully I will know more soon :)

On to another topic... the Holidays! I absolutely LOVE this time of year! I take after my mom in that I love to decorate for each season/holiday. She sent me a box of stuff that she didn't need for their house (she has SO MUCH) so that I could make the apartment look a little more festive. My mom also sent a few ornaments so that Jeremy and I could decorate our first real sized tree :) Its a bit sad looking with a few strings of light and about 10-15 ornaments but I love it. I also love our one string of lights on our porch that are lit every night when I drive home from work - thanks Jeremy!

"Christmas waves a magic wand over this world,
and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful."
~Norman Vincent Peale